Collection Night Berlin

SPECIAL Collection Night Berlin

The Feuerle Collection, Photo NIC TENWIGGENHORN, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn_(c) The Feuerle Collection
The Feuerle Collection, Photo NIC TENWIGGENHORN, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn_(c) The Feuerle Collection

Say ‘Berlin’ and one way to define her could be as a night owl. 

The capital’s nightlife is even bigger now with the launch of ‘Collection Night’ on Friday the 23rd: a top-notch art event bringing together the finest private collections, from Feuerle to Rocca Stiftung, Bergmeier to Kienzle and more because it is so eclectic:

Nathalie Djurberg, courtesy Lisson Gallery | Wunderkammer Olbricht BEYOND Exhibition
Nathalie Djurberg, courtesy Lisson Gallery | Wunderkammer Olbricht BEYOND Exhibition

No need for a lull in August: in Berlin, contemporary art never sleeps.

Here is a taster of what to expect at this Open Night of collectors’ art-filled spaces. It is the place to be and all the more exciting because it is so eclectic:

Joyce Pensato Big Ang takeover, 2018 (detail) Courtesy: haubrok foundation Fotos: Axel Haubrok
Joyce Pensato Big Ang takeover, 2018 (detail) Courtesy: haubrok foundation Fotos: Axel Haubrok

German Informel & concrete poetry as well as minimalist art of the sixties and seventies from Geraldine Michalke’s Collection Bergmeier. Punkish with a personal touch at the Haubrok Foundation’s one-night show of Joyce Pensato who passed away on June 13th this year.

This is your chance to see her signature paintings inspired by US-comic art alongside private photographs, while the centrepiece ‘Big And Takeover’ installation recreates her New York studio.

If you fancy photo-realistic painting, Op-art or architecture in art, look no further than the ‘Open House. Private view’ at Rocca Stiftung (short for Romba Collection of Contemporary Art).

Florian Braeunig and Lovis Luepertz who founded the Berlin – based blockchain startup YAIR will also give a talk on how to democratise digital art.

Rocca Collection, photo courtesy: Kerstin Müller
Rocca Collection, photo courtesy: Kerstin Müller

Lowbrow and pop rub shoulders with the surreal in Ulrich Seibert’s collection.

This is bright, bold and fun art to ‘look on the bright side’, just like the West Coast many of the artists shown here call home.

Sammlung Ulrich Seibert, Installationsansicht
Collection Night Berlin 5

For movie buffs, ME Collectors Room is featuring the documentary film ‘Chinas Supersammler’, produced by Arte, which delves into the world of Chinese billionaire collectors.

Next you can enter the Wunderkammer Olbricht and the exhibition Beyond, including Jonas Burgert’s stunning oils on canvas.

Oversize, opulent, dark, part-dream part-nightmare and yet incredibly realistic, each painting is so meticulously layered in colour, texture and meaning that you look at it as you would enter a theatre.

Collection Night Berlin 2
Collection Night Berlin 6

How could it be that this brilliant event had not been set up until now? Most people are aware of Berlin’s property boom and the bubble that will burst…

but in the meantime, this large-scale event reasserts the pivotal role of Berlin in the art world.

So download the programme on your phone and go out on a night-time cruise of these creative bunkers, in true Berlin style!


23rd of August, 5pm – midnight 

Download the full programme here!

Header Photo: Julian Rosefeldt, Deep Gold, 2013/2014. Courtesy: Sammlung Wemhöner © Julian Rosefeldt und VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019

Author: Alexandra Etienne